Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Ice Cream and Cheerleaders

Yesterday was the first day in over a week our temperatures were under 80 degrees and we even saw a smidge of rain! It was a nice change. Last Thursday while Jordanna and Ashlyne were at dance class, I treated Cortney and Laney to ice cream cones from McDonald's...

I'm not sure if she wore more than she ate or not, but she sure enjoyed it!

Last night was dress rehearsal for Ashlyne's cheer class. This is a hectic 2 wks leading up to the Recitals! On Thursday Jordanna and Ashlyne both have dress rehearsal (full costume and makeup, with multiple costumes for Jordanna). Then next week they have pictures on Monday and Thursday, which is full costume and makeup again. This culminates in recitals on the 16th- which will be a very busy day with Ashlyne having 2 dances in the morning recital and Jordanna having 3 dances in the afternoon recital. Here are a few pictures of Ashlyne from last night:

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