Friday, January 25, 2008

adventures in cheerleading!

Ashlyne went to a PHS Cheer Clinic last weekend with her friend Dani that she played soccer with. It was a 4 hour clinic for elementary school kids to hang out with the high school cheerleaders and ultimately learn a routine and a few cheers to perform at halftime at a PHS Basketball game. She was pretty excited after the clinic and was really excited when Tuesday came and we loaded up the family to go the PHS Basketball game and to watch Ash cheer at halftime. Here are some pictures that Dani's mom Leanne took of Ash and Dani. My camera failed me miserably that night. :( I really need a new one. Anyway, she did great! She is such a natural at cheer, its so fun to watch her!
Here's our cheerleader......

Big G, Little O, GO GO!
This is definately the "Color Shout", Purple, Purple, Purple,
Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold...a lot of hip shaking!

I'd say she is enjoying herself!!

Craig and I had this long discussion on the way home about how much cheer costs. LOL We are pretty sure she will be interested in being in cheer in high school.
It's 19 degrees here right now, brrrrrrrrrr. I am so done with winter, we've been so jipped on snow. I'm ready to just move on to spring.
Have a great weekend all!

1 comment:

Cathi said...

I accidentally deleted your entry into my giveaway. Can you please enter again? I apologize.